Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ERR_INVALID_BOARD_SIZE "No proper width or height."
public static final java.lang.String ERR_INVALID_SITUATION_CHAR "The situation parameter does only allow #,-,B,W and ,."
public static final int MAX_HEIGHT 98
public static final int MAX_WIDTH 26
public static final int MIN_HEIGHT 2
public static final int MIN_WIDTH 2

public static final java.lang.String ERR_COLOR_IN_RECTANGLE "You can\'t place the hole here. There are color pieces."
public static final java.lang.String ERR_NO_ACTIVE_GAME "No active game."
public static final java.lang.String ERR_NO_VALID_RECTANGLE "The specified rectangle isn\'t valid. Valid is something like A1:B3 or A1:A1. The first position has to be on the top left."
public static final java.lang.String ERR_OFFBOARD_MOVE "The move position has to be on the board."
public static final java.lang.String ERR_PLAYER_MOVED "Cannot add hole area. A player did move."

public static final java.lang.String ERR_MOVE_POS_FORMAT "A position has to be a character and then a number."
public static final java.lang.String REGEX_BOARDLIKE_FORMAT "[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{1,2}"